Your schools’ schedule — MASTERED

Maximize teaching staff utilization and deliver over 90%
of students’ first-choice classes in 75% less time with our patented web-based schedule builder and staffing tool.

Let’s Talk

Build an effective master schedule in 2-3 days

Give time back to your schools

Your time is limited, and your priorities are many. Education Advanced empowers education leaders with intelligent scheduling and planning tools that save time
AND deliver super-human effectiveness and efficiency.

Cardonex® Helps Schools:


Build an Equitable, Student-Driven Master Schedule

  • Easily optimize master schedules based on requested and required courses.
  • Automatically balance classes before the first day of school.
  • Provide students and teachers with a stable back-to-school experience.

Save Time and Improve Efficiency
with Automated Processes

  • Produce a balanced master schedule and staffing plan in days.
  • Maximize students receiving their first choice classes.
  • Eliminate the need for antiquated formulas and manual processes.

Save Money and Hire Smarter
with a Comprehensive Staffing Plan

  • Make data-driven instructional and staffing decisions based on existing
    and trending student course requirements.
  • Maximize the use of staff capability and facility capacity.


“We usually spend the first two weeks of school doing nothing but leveling classes. With Cardonex®, we can ensure that all classes are leveled before school begins, providing a stable and consistent back-to-school experience for both teachers and students.”

Dr. Mark Weatherly

Director of Secondary Instruction, New Caney ISD

“We usually scheduled over 90% for our freshmen, but I thought there was no way they could get there for juniors and seniors because of all the singletons, the off-period teacher systems, and everything else to consider. But then I saw how easy it was to make changes and move things around and everything about Cardonex® proved to be true.”

Bobby Adamson

Lead Counselor, Angleton High School

“When you keep the wellbeing of students and teachers at the heart of your decisions, you can't go wrong. Our new schedule built with Cardonex® alleviated some of the stress on our teachers, allowing them to focus their energy in one direction.”

James Crenshaw

Principal, Flour Bluff High School

Equip your district with powerful operations tools

Easily integrated with your SIS
